An unfinished watercolor...actually, I kind of liked how the white space looked, so I doubt I'll finish painting this one. This is part of the Wilmington campus of the University of Delaware. The land was originally part of many DuPont family owned farms.

Its quite lovely.. like the dappled shadows..
I like this a lot, this piece of art is very abstract in my point of view because you can set this image where ever want. That is hard to explain but you can through this image into real life anywhewre in the world and it will fit in.
wonderful scene! Great amy!
i like this its like the garden is spilling out of the gate making everything colorful
It's beautiful! All that white space makes the gate look like a magical doorway.
I really like the white space there as well...nice washes of color!
Agreed...very nice use of whitespace...nice painting...My vote is you stopped at just the right time...sometimes completion can be overrated...
What a wonderful illustration, looks so warm and friendly, unlike Chicago at the moment! Nice work!
Wasn't it Michaelangelo who would sculpt just until he "freed" the image from the stone?'ve painted until you've freed the image from your mind!
Keep Creating!
Excellent painting. Finished or not, I think it is great.
Oh this is very nice! I kind of like it in it's unfinished state. It's very entrancing. Haha! Keep up the great work!
beautiful poetic watercolor piece!!
cool composition choice. and actually diggin the negative space framing the entrance. nicely done.
Beautiful work!
great picture, I would leave it.
Nice work, Amy! I like it unfinished!
the unfinished effect adds a surreal quality! a green gate to nowhere...
well done.
i like the white space too! you are so talented!
i like it exaclly as it is!!!
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